"); //alert(ddclass); } } function Tab(Nav, Link) { this.Nav = Nav; this.Link = Link; } function buildMain(old_array) { var new_pair; var new_name; var new_value; currentLoc = old_array[0].currentLoc; new_pair = old_array[0].Link1.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; main_array[0] = new Tab(new_name,new_value); new_pair = old_array[0].Link2.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; main_array[1] = new Tab(new_name,new_value); new_pair = old_array[0].Link3.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; main_array[2] = new Tab(new_name,new_value); new_pair = old_array[0].Link4.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; main_array[3] = new Tab(new_name,new_value); new_pair = old_array[0].Link5.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; main_array[4] = new Tab(new_name,new_value); new_pair = old_array[0].Link6.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; main_array[5] = new Tab(new_name,new_value); mainnav = main_array; } function buildSubnav (sub_array) { dropdown_array = sub_array.DDarray.split("|"); var new_pair; var new_name; var new_value; var new_array = new Array(20); new_pair = sub_array.Link1.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[1]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); new_pair = sub_array.Link2.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[2]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); new_pair = sub_array.Link3.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[3]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); new_pair = sub_array.Link4.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[4]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); new_pair = sub_array.Link5.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[5]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); new_pair = sub_array.Link6.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[6]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); new_pair = sub_array.Link7.split("|"); new_name=new_pair[0]; new_value=new_pair[1]; new_array[7]= new Tab(new_name, new_value); subnav=new_array; } function Headers(currentLoc, Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5, Link6) { this.currentLoc = currentLoc; this.Link1 = Link1; this.Link2 = Link2; this.Link3 = Link3; this.Link4 = Link4; this.Link5 = Link5; this.Link6 = Link6; } function SubNav(DDarray, Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5, Link6, Link7) { this.DDarray = DDarray; this.Link1 = Link1; this.Link2 = Link2; this.Link3 = Link3; this.Link4 = Link4; this.Link5 = Link5; this.Link6 = Link6; this.Link7 = Link7; } function ddMenu(option1, option2, option3, option4, option5, option6, option7,option8) { this.option1 = option1; this.option2 = option2; this.option3 = option3; this.option4 = option4; this.option5 = option5; this.option6 = option6; this.option7 = option7; // ************************************* // Added by Matt Darnall (10-8-04) // to add support for more than 7 items // in a dd menu // ************************************* if(option8 != null){ this.option8 = option8; } } var isDHTML = 0; var isID = 0; var isAll = 0; var isLayers = 0; if (document.getElementById) {isID = 1; isDHTML = 1;} else { if (document.all) {isAll = 1; isDHTML = 1;} else { browserVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if ((navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') != -1) && (browserVersion == 4)) {isLayers = 1; isDHTML = 1;} }} function findDOM(objectID,withStyle) { if (withStyle == 1) { if (isID) { return (document.getElementById(objectID).style) ; } else { if (isAll) { return (document.all[objectID].style); } else { if (isLayers) { return (document.layers[objectID]); } };} } else { if (isID) { return (document.getElementById(objectID)) ; } else { if (isAll) { return (document.all[objectID]); } else { if (isLayers) { return (document.layers[objectID]); } };} } } var menuTop = 0; var menuLeft = 0; var domSMenu = null; var oldDomSMenu = null; var t = 0; var lDelay = 3; var lCount = 0; var pause = 100; function popMenu(menuNum){ if (isDHTML) { ///// Sets the previous menu's visibility to hidden t = 2; if (oldDomSMenu) { oldDomSMenu.visibility = 'hidden'; oldDomSMenu.zIndex = '0'; t = 2; lCount = 0; } ///// Defines the DOMs of the menu objects var idMenu = 'ddMenu'; var domMenu = findDOM(idMenu,0); var idMenuOpt = 'menuHead' + menuNum; var domMenuOpt = findDOM(idMenuOpt,0); var idSMenu = 'menu' + menuNum; var domSMenu = findDOM(idSMenu,1); ///// Defines the positions of the sub-menus if (isID || isAll) { var menuLeft = (domMenuOpt.offsetLeft)/* offset left +5*/; var menuTop =(domMenu.offsetHeight) + 4; } if (isLayers) { var menuLeft = document.layers[idMenu].layers[idMenuOpt].pageX - 5; var menuTop = domMenu.pageY + domMenu.clip.height - 5; } ///// Positions and shows the menu if (oldDomSMenu != domSMenu) { domSMenu.left = menuLeft; domSMenu.top = menuTop; domSMenu.visibility = 'visible'; domSMenu.zIndex = '100'; oldDomSMenu = domSMenu; } ///// Resets oldDom if it is the same as the current DOM else { oldDomSMenu = null; } } ////// Returns a 'null' value for non-DHTML Browsers else { return null; } } function delayHide() { ///// Checks to see if there is a menu showing and whether ///// the global variable 't' has been set to 0 if ((oldDomSMenu) && (t == 0)) { ///// Hides the old menu, resets menu conditions, ///// and stops the function running oldDomSMenu.visibility = 'hidden'; oldDomSMenu.zIndex = '0'; oldDomSMenu = null; lCount = 0; return false; } ///// Interupts the function if another menu is opened if (t == 2) { lCount = 0; return false; } ///// Repeats the function adding 1 to lCount each time until ///// lCount is equal to lDelay and then sets 't' to 0 so that ///// the menu will hide when it runs again if (t == 1) { lCount = lCount + 1; if (lDelay <= lCount) { t = 0; } if (lDelay >= lCount) { setTimeout('delayHide(' + t + ')',pause); } } } //-->
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